Get to know first-time indie comic creator Jack Harris, Jr., and his book, “Terminus Veil”
While we were at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., for Awesome Con in June 2022, we met a few great creators. We got the inside story of their latest indie comic book and what they are currently working on. We spoke with the well-known indie comic creator, Greg Burnham, but wanted to meet with folks who were just getting started too.
Luckily, we met a new guy on the indie comics scene, Jack Harris, Jr. His first-ever indie comic book, “Terminus Veil,” is an exciting take on science fiction storytelling, technology, teamwork, and government conspiracies. He wrote a little summary, which was actually very good at boiling down the plot of his comic:
There has been a significant rise in the theft of cutting-edge technology, and one private security team is caught in the middle. In order to keep their clients happy and stay alive, they must discover who is responsible for these robberies and put a stop to the violence.
— Jack Harris, Jr.
Anyhow, I bought a copy and look forward to the next installment of “Terminus Veil.” Here’s my conversation with Jack.
Hi Jack! For the indie comics fans who are not familiar with you or your new book, “Terminus Veil,” can you give us a snapshot of what it’s all about?
Sure. “Terminus Veil“ is about a private security firm they are transporting a new invention. While they’re in the middle of transport, they get attacked by mercenaries that come down a helicopter and start shooting at them. And that leads to a lot of chaos. They’re trying to figure out why it all happened, why it went down, and there’s a bigger conspiracy behind it.

I’m the writer and the creator of “Terminus Veil.” I’m not the illustrator on it, but we got a great illustrator on a Jordan Gunderson, and it’s just been a lot of fun. This is one out of four. I want to go further than that, but we know we will do at least four for now.
What’s been the most challenging part of creating your first indie comic book?
The hardest part has been just understanding the time it takes to produce a book. There was so much that I didn’t understand. Meaning, what were the expectation that you would have… pencilers, inkers, colorists, and letterers. You know, all those things.
Where are you located, and who printed “Terminus Veil?”
We are out of Atlanta, Georgia. We printed our book with Comics Wellspring, and they do small runs, I think mainly, but they can do big ones. I have just learned about that. It was immediate, and I would say maybe about a week and a half turnaround.
And is this a model you pay to sit here at your booth?
This model is a designer and my very supportive wife, Elise. She did the graphic design for the logo in the book as well.
Jack also mentioned that Debra “Bee” Rohlfs did the inks on “Terminus Veil,” and Yuliia Shetsova was the colorist. Letters were handled by Boknoy Buhisan. For more information on the current issue of Terminus Veil and for details on when the next issue will debut, check out Jack’s website at https://www.terminusveil.com.